Having a good and standard customer service is very key to the business. The following are secrets to having a standard customer care:

  • Constantly improve the client experience


  • Value people over profit: People keep business running. Profit can only be generated when people patronize the business. Happy customer breeds happy business and profit is made.


  • Hire the right employees and be consistent: The right employees are always ready to move the business forward rather than do whatever they like. They are usually attentive, objective and ready to improve. A positive attitude is important for a customer service representative.


  • Ensure the entire customer service team know about your products: To remain a top organization, the client experience must constantly improve and evolve. Customer service team need to think of how to constantly and continuously improve client experience and resolve issues better. To best serve them it is important that everyone in the organization knows the how, why and where of the company’s product from the creative inspiration behind them to the fit, nuances, care and durability. To disseminate product knowledge to the customer, it’s essential that team members know everything there is to know.


  • Positivity, empathy and resolution time should be a priority: If a customer contacts you, you have a choice: be like everyone else, or every time exceed their expectations and leave a lasting impression that turns them into raving fans. After handling tens of thousands of calls, emails, and live chats for our clients, we have found three keys to standing out: positivity, empathy, and resolution time.


Customer satisfaction measures how your product, service, and overall experience either falls short, meets, or exceeds customer expectations. How you measure it varies from business to business. Some may base it entirely on retention and repeat customers, while others may create a numerical value based on data and/or customer feedback. Regardless, it measures, rates, and attempts to manage how happy your customers are with you, your products, and your brand as a whole.

Beyond the growth correlation if you actively work to increase customer satisfaction, you’re more likely to see an increase in revenue. There are plenty of other reasons to make it a top priority.

Publicity: It works both ways. A study showed that 60% of consumer share a bad experience with others and they tell 3x as many people compared to only 46% who share the good ones. The takeaway? You’d better do your best to ensure each customer interaction is a positive one. If you don’t place a premium on relationship marketing and customer satisfaction, you won’t be aware of problems or complaints until it’s too late. A satisfied customer would always tell other about your brand.

Brand loyalty: Why would a happy, satisfied customer ever look elsewhere or want to leave you? Return customers tend to buy more from a company over time. As they do, your operating costs to serve them decline. What’s more, return customers refer others to your company. They’ll often pay a premium to continue to do business with you rather than switch to a competitor with whom they’re neither familiar nor comfortable with.

Brand trust: Consumers trust people even more than they do advertising and marketing.

Increased profitability: A satisfied customers would usually want to purchase more products or services. Once trust and loyalty has been established, you have a customer that would keep coming back to buy more.