Acceptable behaviour at workplace

The idea of behaviour being acceptable or otherwise can, for some, be very subjective

and often very personal. Sometimes it even depends on the environment and even ‘the times.’

Induction and hazing rituals once believed to be necessary to develop resilience and teach respect are now viewed as demeaning and in some situations constitute unlawful, criminal assault.

Violence for example, isn’t condoned on the streets yet, in the past it has often been encouraged and applauded on the sporting field. Nowadays thankfully, sports administrators are beginning to take a firm stand and ensure that negative consequences are delivered for such behaviour. This is especially critical as sports fields are often in fact workplaces..

While hazing and violence are quite clearly unacceptable in any workplace (except perhaps the boxing ring) there exists a range of behaviours for which it may seem unclear as to which side of the line they sit. Behaviours that might result in ‘psychological injury,’ such as bullying and harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination in the workplace, or even aggressive language according to legislation and workplace policies fall on the ‘unacceptable’ side of that line.

And while employers may not have total control over the behaviour of staff members, or even customers, they do have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace for all. Legislation decrees this and forces employers to develop and uphold policies that support the creation of a safe workplace including the prohibition of unacceptable behaviour.

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