4 Brilliant tips for dealing with angry customers

It is normal to have angry customers but how you deal with them is what is crucial. Here are 4 brilliant tips for dealing with angry customers

  1. There is Power in a Name.

Addressing your client with “I’m sorry ma’am,” for example, sounds a lot more formal and much less sincere than “I’m so sorry, Monalisa.” Once you use a name, you’re suddenly speaking with a real person; a client who has a job and a life and a legitimate reason behind his or her frustration, rather than a faceless “ma’am.”

  1. Smile When You Talk

Donning a pleasant expression immediately helps your voice convey friendliness and openness. Staying straight-faced, on the other hand, immediately removes that kindness from your voice. You can easily hear more of a strain indicating that you don’t really want to be talking to this person right now (which, no matter how true that may be, isn’t how you should want to come across).

You’ll probably feel silly, and in the cases of angry clients, you might have to fake it but forcing a smile does wonders when it comes to calming someone down.

  1. Connect With Your Audience

It is about picking up on the tone, knowledge and personality of the person you’re talking to. Some customers have high technical knowledge; some need high-level explanations. Some need extra reassurance that things are going to be OK; others don’t want to waste time unless you can offer a solution on the spot.

This kind of mirroring can help you connect better with your clients; they’ll feel more like you truly understand what they’re saying and that will help them be more open to your assistance.

  1. Hit the Mute Button

Often, clients are looking to release their frustration. It’s not exactly fun to be subject to it; but it is part of the job. But giving the client full rein over the conversation for the first few minutes helps him or her get out those frustrations, blow off some steam, and eventually, be able to focus on getting to a resolution.

Talking to a dissatisfied client will never be easy, but by using these techniques to put your customers at ease and show them that you want to help, you’ll get to a resolution much quicker.

Credit: Avery Augustine

Best 3 Strategies to Help Improve Your Customer Service Standards

Customer service is as important as anything that has to do with your business/organization. Here are the best 3 strategies to help improve your customer service standards:

1. Seek Customer Feedback:

To provide excellent customer service, you first need to understand their needs and experiences. For these, you need to ensure that you provide your customers multiple ways to share their feedback. You can do this through surveys, feedback form sent via email or even establish a complaint system.

This will let you know all about their good, bad, and ugly experiences when interacting with your brand. Through this, you gain real insights into what you’re doing well, and which areas require improvement. This can help to establish trust, and may even prevent them from sharing their concerns or negative comments on social media.

2. Strengthen Your Customer Service Team:

Improving your customer service begins with building a strong customer service team. Here’s how you can strengthen your service performance.

  • Hire and Train Professionals with the Right Skills: No tool or AI element will compensate for the lack of a skilled workforce. When you hire people for your customer service team, you should look for individuals with the right skills.
  • Organize training sessions for them to improve their skills once they’re on board: Some notable skills every customer service representative needs to have are: Empathy and Patience, Good Communication skills, Knowledge of product and services


3. Leverage Multi-Channel Servicing:

Customers should be able to switch between multiple channels yet enjoy a consistent quality of service. This can help boost your brand’s reputation and credibility.

Here are some excellent multi-channel service for your customers.

  • Mobile Devices – You need to ensure that your customer service and support pages are mobile-ready to meet their expectations.


  • Social Media – Many consumers are turning to social networks for customer queries and complaints. You should utilize the power of social media to bridge the gap between you and your consumers.


  • Self-Service –Many customers expect brands to help them fix minor issues by themselves, and they’ll often look for such solutions on your website’s FAQ pages.

You should consistently focus on improving your customer service standards. Great customer service can help you build trust, improve brand awareness, gain customer loyalty, drive sales, and attract new customers through valuable recommendations.

Credit: Gauarav sharma


10 Excellent Customer Service Phrases You SHOULD Say

Looking to get ahead of the curve? Use these 10 excellent customer service phrases to delight and excite your customers while they are in contact with you.

  1. “Thank you.”

Customers love to feel valued. Thanking them throughout the call will dramatically increase the feelings of goodwill from the interaction.

  1. “I can absolutely help you with that.”

The phrase, “I can absolutely help you with that,” signals your willingness and ability to help the customer address whatever issue he or she is facing.

  1. “Great question.”

When a customer hits you with a reasonable query, this phrase affirms the validity of their call and signals that the conversation is heading down a good path.

  1. “I understand.”

Another response that alleviates customer anxiety and signals your own competency and ability to help. This phrase reassures your customer that they’re on track to solving their problem.

  1. “What else can I help you with?”

Solving for the main customer query is great but solving for ancillary questions and issues that prevent future call backs is better.

  1. “How is your day going?”

This customer service phrase is the inverse of complaining about your day. It shows empathy and curiosity about your customer’s state of mind outside of merely solving their problem.

  1. “I appreciate you bringing this to our attention.”

If a customer raises an issue, it’s wise to thank them for surfacing the problem in the first place. Doing so shows that your company is committed to serving customer needs.

  1. “We appreciate your feedback.”

Thanking a customer for feedback is a basic move you can execute that signals to your customer that your company is genuinely committed to problem-solving and improving the overall customer experience.

  1. “I can do that for you.”

When a customer requests something that is within your scope of execution, let him or her know. Again, this customer service phrase quickly signals that the conversation is heading towards a positive resolution of the customer’s problems.

  1. “Your business means a lot to us.”

Every customer is important, regardless of how much they are paying your business. Treat them as such.

Credit: Jeremy Boudinet

7 Customer Service Phrases You Should NEVER Say

1. “I’m not sure.”

There are a million better ways to respond to a customer’s question you’re uncertain of than the outright omission, “I’m not sure.” It signifies helplessness and lack of competence.

2. “Let me check.”

“Let me check” is a vague phrase. Adding specifics such as “with my manager” or “your latest account activity” signals clear, direct action on your part and gives the customer a better idea of the process you’re following to resolve the issue.

3. “I can’t help you.”

This should be a no-brainer, but we’ve all been on the receiving end of this phrase with a customer service representative at one time or another.

4. “Calm down.”

If a customer is angry or upset, it is your job as the customer service representative to calm them down by solving their issue, not by telling them how they should be feeling. To be fair, this is often much easier said than done and requires a great deal of self-control on the part of the customer service agent.

5. “You’re mistaken.”

Telling a customer that he or she is wrong is committing a cardinal sin. You’re breaking the first commandment of good business.

6. “We’ve never had this issue before.”

This futile attempt at reassurance makes the customer feel more alarmed upon hearing that it’s a new problem. There are other ways to reassure customers that an issue they may be experiencing is rare and almost certain never to happen again.

7. “Let me call you back.”

If you need to do some serious research or consulting with your team prior to resolving their issue, let the customer know. Under no circumstances should you blindside a customer with a request to call them back.

Credit: Jeremy Boudinet

5 golden Rules for Good Customer Service

Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business won’t be profitable for long.

Good customer service is all about bringing customers back. It is also about sending them away happy, happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers. If you truly want to have good customer service, all you have to do is ensure that your business consistently follows the five golden rules:

  1. Answer Your Phone

The first rule of good customer service is that your business phone needs to be answered. Hire staff if you need to, but make sure that someone is picking up the phone when someone calls your business and also answer properly to make sure that customers calling your business are thrilled with the way the phone is answered rather than put off.

  1. Don’t Make Promises Unless You Will Keep Them

This may well be the most important of all of these eight rules for good customer service. Reliability is one of the keys to any good relationship, and good customer service is no exception. If you say to a customer, “Your new bedroom furniture will be delivered on Tuesday”, make sure it is delivered on Tuesday. Otherwise, don’t say it. The same rule applies to client appointments, deadlines, etc.

  1. Listen to Your Customers

Is there anything more exasperating than telling someone what you want or what your problem is and then discovering that that person hasn’t been paying attention and needs to have it explained again? Listening to everything your customer says or asks is very key

  1. Deal With Complaints

No one likes hearing complaints, and many of us have developed a reflex shrug, saying, “You can’t please all the people all the time”. Maybe not, but if you give the complaint your attention, you may be able to please this one person this one time and position your business to reap the benefits of good customer service. Properly dealt with complaints can become opportunities.

  1. Train Your Staff

If you have staff, train them to be always helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable. Do it yourself or hire someone to train them. Talk to your staff about good customer service and what it is (and isn’t) regularly. Most importantly, give every member of your staff enough information and power to make those small customer-pleasing decisions.

Credit: Susan Ward


Understanding your Customer Retention Rate

Customer retention rate measures the percentage of customers a company is able to keep over a given time period. Retention rate is the percentage of customers a company has lost over a period of time.

Retention rate is a key metric a lot of companies look at to determine customer service efficiency. It’s calculated by measuring the total number of customers a company has and comparing that to how many are lost and acquired during a certain time period. You’ll need to look at three metrics:Number of customers at the end of a period

  • Number of new customers acquired during that period
  • Number of customers at the start of that period

How do you get a good customer retention rate?

1. Know your audience

2. Share your customers’ values

3. Use positive reviews to reinforce beliefs

4. Engage with customers

5. Embrace new technology

6. Communicate on the right platform

7. Educate your customers

8. Resolve customers’ issues the first time they contact you

9. Make customer service a company-wide priority

10. Give customers a premium experience

11. Invite customer feedback

12. Offer exclusive rewards

13 Offer a subscription service

14. Reward loyalty

15. Make transactions convenient

16. Respect your customers’ time

17. Deliver consistently good service.

Credit: Yaniv Masjedi

Customer Service Technology; The Future is now

Looking at recent times, technology has shown its importance and it has helped survive this unusual period where physical contact is restricted and places locked down for weeks etc.

The following are changes technology would make to the future of customer service in Nigeria:

  1. Face-to-face video communication will increase:

Eye contact is powerful and customers, more and more, will look at non-video, real-time voice conversation as a thing of the past. We know that eye contact improves relationships and facilitates openness so video is not just a growing expectation of consumers, but a viable business-improving tool for vendors.

  1. Real-time messaging will outpace email:

Email is dead, and long live chat. Right? Well, yes and no. Just like video, customers expect you to be always on and most prefer live chat to email. The world operates in synchronous time now, so that means you need to move up your communication technologies and strategies while still using email to share important information.

  1. Remote work will become more normal:

The future of customer service will not only push customers online, but it’ll move service reps there, too. Rather than being confined to call centres, service reps will have more tools to work remotely. They’ll field customer inquiries from the comfort of their homes, instead of having to work in an office setting. Email, live chat, and social media can even be operated from a smartphone. As businesses see the potential savings of reducing office space, it’ll become much more common for service reps to work remotely.

  1. Bots (and AI) will help professionals, not replace them: Bots can be there when you can’t, like while your customer service team is asleep. Bots can also improve self-service for customers, and reduce expenses for vendors, by providing a new, repeatable, and inexpensive method of communications. Over the next 10-25 years, this technology will continue to make huge advances and will be capable of doing even more of what humans are doing today. It will be smart for customer-facing teams to keep up with bot progress and stay on the cutting edge here to provide increasingly better experiences at increasingly lower costs.

15 Customer Service Tools your business needs to win people over

It is obvious that every business needs customers. Therefore, without a responsive customer service team in place, no business can survive for long. Customer service reps are at the forefront every time there is a need to fix customer issues and if trained well, they do their best to rectify the situation and make the customer happy again.

In many ways, they serve as a repository of information for all company-related questions and do the job of translating customer experiences to the product team. In their journey towards growth and development, businesses notice that as the customer base grows, the number of problem reports also grows. For this very reason, it is necessary for your business to equip itself with the latest customer service tools that will support you in continuing growth.

Here are 10 customer service tools that can help bring you and your customers closer together.

  1. Help Ticketing System
  2. Live Chat
  3. Mobile Apps
  4. Instant Messaging
  5. Social Media
  6. Email Automation
  7. Customer Portal
  8. Self-Service Knowledge Base
  9. Online Communities
  10. Customer Satisfaction Surveys


Having a good and standard customer service is very key to the business. The following are secrets to having a standard customer care:

  • Constantly improve the client experience


  • Value people over profit: People keep business running. Profit can only be generated when people patronize the business. Happy customer breeds happy business and profit is made.


  • Hire the right employees and be consistent: The right employees are always ready to move the business forward rather than do whatever they like. They are usually attentive, objective and ready to improve. A positive attitude is important for a customer service representative.


  • Ensure the entire customer service team know about your products: To remain a top organization, the client experience must constantly improve and evolve. Customer service team need to think of how to constantly and continuously improve client experience and resolve issues better. To best serve them it is important that everyone in the organization knows the how, why and where of the company’s product from the creative inspiration behind them to the fit, nuances, care and durability. To disseminate product knowledge to the customer, it’s essential that team members know everything there is to know.


  • Positivity, empathy and resolution time should be a priority: If a customer contacts you, you have a choice: be like everyone else, or every time exceed their expectations and leave a lasting impression that turns them into raving fans. After handling tens of thousands of calls, emails, and live chats for our clients, we have found three keys to standing out: positivity, empathy, and resolution time.


Customer satisfaction measures how your product, service, and overall experience either falls short, meets, or exceeds customer expectations. How you measure it varies from business to business. Some may base it entirely on retention and repeat customers, while others may create a numerical value based on data and/or customer feedback. Regardless, it measures, rates, and attempts to manage how happy your customers are with you, your products, and your brand as a whole.

Beyond the growth correlation if you actively work to increase customer satisfaction, you’re more likely to see an increase in revenue. There are plenty of other reasons to make it a top priority.

Publicity: It works both ways. A study showed that 60% of consumer share a bad experience with others and they tell 3x as many people compared to only 46% who share the good ones. The takeaway? You’d better do your best to ensure each customer interaction is a positive one. If you don’t place a premium on relationship marketing and customer satisfaction, you won’t be aware of problems or complaints until it’s too late. A satisfied customer would always tell other about your brand.

Brand loyalty: Why would a happy, satisfied customer ever look elsewhere or want to leave you? Return customers tend to buy more from a company over time. As they do, your operating costs to serve them decline. What’s more, return customers refer others to your company. They’ll often pay a premium to continue to do business with you rather than switch to a competitor with whom they’re neither familiar nor comfortable with.

Brand trust: Consumers trust people even more than they do advertising and marketing.

Increased profitability: A satisfied customers would usually want to purchase more products or services. Once trust and loyalty has been established, you have a customer that would keep coming back to buy more.