Common mistakes at workplace

As we all know, starting a new job comes with its challenges, mistakes at work place – especially

within the first month,when you’re still finding your sea legs in your new position.

Not admitting when you don’t know something

You might want to prove to everyone that you were the best choice for the role, Ciolfi says, but you can’t be afraid to ask questions.

“Seek out advice and opinions from those who are more experienced – it will only help you,” he says.

“We hear time and time again, there is no such thing as a stupid question,” Payne says. “Asking questions shows your colleagues that you are interested in learning, growing and becoming a reliable member of the team.”

By not asking questions, it can lead to avoidable mistakes, Payne adds.

When you isolate yourself and/or are not yourself

“Being the new kid is tough, but fight the urge to keep to yourself,” Ciolfi advises. “Be friendly and sociable, and make sure not to eat alone.”

This, he says, will give you a chance to get to know your co-workers. It also ensures that you can lean on people when you need help.

“It’s natural to feel uncertain about how you will fit in and perhaps you think you should get right to work,” Weisser says. “But take the time to introduce yourself to others and ask about them – their names and what they do.”

When you’re being negative

“Bringing a positive attitude into a new workplace is key to establishing relationships with your new colleagues,” Payne says.

However, talking poorly about your former workplace or colleagues is not the best way to make a first impression, she adds.

“Speaking positively about your new workplace or colleagues and role can mitigate moments where we come off as a negative Nancy,” Payne adds.

When you arrive late

“Fend off the urge to hit the snooze button one last time and make sure you’re arriving on-time consistently,” Payne says.

If you really want to make a good impression, then arrive 15 minutes early, she says.

“The extra time can be used as an opportunity to prepare for the day ahead and chat with a few of your new colleagues,” Payne point outs.

When you ignore the corporate culture

What are the office dynamics and politics? How do people dress? What is the approval process?

“Some of these might seem trivial, but if you ignore the way things currently work, you might stand out in a negative way,” Ciolfi warns.

Also before you go making any suggestions for improvement, listen to how and why things are done, Weisser says.

“It’s tempting to give your expertise about how processes could be improved as soon as you see opportunities, but it’s always best to just observe and listen for the first while,” she says.

When you fail to ask your boss about how to best communicate with them

“You might be used to a boss you can interrupt any time with questions, but your new boss may prefer you arrange a weekly meeting or list your questions in an email,” Weisser points out. “Ask your boss directly what works best for them.”

When you don’t set boundaries and expectations

At first you might want to skip lunch or stay late to get in good with the boss and your teammates, but if you do that then you’re setting yourself up for problems later, Ciolfi says.


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