
Is Your Customer Support on Life Support?

We understand the critical role a reliable power supply is to anyone with a medical condition who requires life support equipment. So also your customer service needs a life support.
Great customer service has human and technical elements. Reps have a much better chance of being helpful when they have customer data to reference and service tools to utilize. 

One thing you have to consider is putting your rep in place.
So fixing bad customer service might not be easy, but the companies that make the investment and commitment never regret it. Their long-time customers don’t, either. As consumers, we know what a great customer service experience feels like, and it has a lot to do with the rep. Working with someone who feels your frustration, understands your issue and is ready with a solution is what all of us want.

Living up to expectations means you need exceptional reps who have the full support of the company behind them. It takes a culture of service that extends enterprise-wide.

Customer-facing technology is also important. Many customers want to handle service without speaking to a rep over the phone. You may want to do delivery all by yourself so that at some point you met and greet your customers. That way, he/she can relate well/complain and then you tender apology and solve the problems physically.