4 Brilliant tips for dealing with angry customers

It is normal to have angry customers but how you deal with them is what is crucial. Here are 4 brilliant tips for dealing with angry customers

  1. There is Power in a Name.

Addressing your client with “I’m sorry ma’am,” for example, sounds a lot more formal and much less sincere than “I’m so sorry, Monalisa.” Once you use a name, you’re suddenly speaking with a real person; a client who has a job and a life and a legitimate reason behind his or her frustration, rather than a faceless “ma’am.”

  1. Smile When You Talk

Donning a pleasant expression immediately helps your voice convey friendliness and openness. Staying straight-faced, on the other hand, immediately removes that kindness from your voice. You can easily hear more of a strain indicating that you don’t really want to be talking to this person right now (which, no matter how true that may be, isn’t how you should want to come across).

You’ll probably feel silly, and in the cases of angry clients, you might have to fake it but forcing a smile does wonders when it comes to calming someone down.

  1. Connect With Your Audience

It is about picking up on the tone, knowledge and personality of the person you’re talking to. Some customers have high technical knowledge; some need high-level explanations. Some need extra reassurance that things are going to be OK; others don’t want to waste time unless you can offer a solution on the spot.

This kind of mirroring can help you connect better with your clients; they’ll feel more like you truly understand what they’re saying and that will help them be more open to your assistance.

  1. Hit the Mute Button

Often, clients are looking to release their frustration. It’s not exactly fun to be subject to it; but it is part of the job. But giving the client full rein over the conversation for the first few minutes helps him or her get out those frustrations, blow off some steam, and eventually, be able to focus on getting to a resolution.

Talking to a dissatisfied client will never be easy, but by using these techniques to put your customers at ease and show them that you want to help, you’ll get to a resolution much quicker.

Credit: Avery Augustine

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