talking to a customer

Why It’s So Hard to Sell New Products?

The best explanation to this is that too many companies expect shiny new products to sell themselves. So how you craft new sales processes, incentives, and training can overcome the obstacles inherent in selling new products.  
We  will take through to the Steps to Break In and Sell to New Market
Step 1: Listen and Learn. Long before you start selling your new product, you have to educate yourself and your sales team about the future new market. .
Step 2: Build Your Reputation. You can’t just jump into a new market and start selling instantly. ..
Step 3: Back to Sales Basics. .
Step 4: Identify Your Ideal Customer.
It turns out that a seven-step approach works best for attracting new customers or clients.

  1. Identify Your Ideal Customer or Client. …
  2. Discover Where Your Customer Lives. …
  3. Know Your Business Inside and Out. …
  4. Position Yourself as the Answer. …
  5. Try Direct Response Marketing. …
  6. Build Partnerships. …
  7. Follow Up.

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Know your customers’ needs.

Know this. No matter how good your product or service is, the simple truth is that no-one will buy it if they don’t want it or believe they don’t need it.

And you won’t persuade anyone that they want or need to buy what you’re offering unless you clearly understand what it is your customers really want. 
Knowing and understanding customer needs is at the centre of every successful business, whether it sells directly to individuals or other businesses.

Once you have this knowledge, you can use it to persuade potential and existing customers that buying from you is in their best interests.
We are here to tell you what you need to know about your customers, how to use this information to sell to them more effectively, and how to win business from your competitors.
The things you need to know about your customers:
Why do your customers need you?
Every business needs a reason for their customers to buy from them and not their competitors. This is called a Unique Sales Proposition (USP). Your USP can be identified by completing the phrase “Customers will buy from me because my business is the only…”

Your USP can change as your business or your market changes, and you can have different USPs for different types of customer.
For example: A jewelry store could offer a free same-day delivery service for its business customers within a local area – an effective USP for businesses that need fast delivery the same jewelry store could offer a 5 per cent discount to businesses that spend more than ₦10,000 a month – this would be a USP for cost-conscious customers the jewelry store could also make sure it offers the most comprehensive stock of designs in the area. All of these USPs can be effective because they are driven by what the customer looks for when making a buying decision.
It’s a good idea to review your USPs regularly. 

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What Is a Customer Service Mindset?

Ways to Adopt It the customer service mindset!

The customer service mindset isn’t just solving problems for customers. It’s about creating a delightful experience that develops long-term rapport and loyalty. Doing so fosters customer success as well as high retention rates.

Reps who possess a customer service mindset are focused on creating added value for customers. Agents are invested in the customer’s goals and are committed to helping them achieve them.

Whether it’s finding a unique solution to a complex problem, supplying a discount to diffuse tension, or simply providing friendly and helpful service, this approach is centered around short- and long-term customer success.

As you can guess, there are plenty of benefits that your business can gain from this. First, customers will be happy with their service experience leading to increases in customer satisfaction and positive online reviews. Your business can leverage these stories by creating customer testimonials and sharing them on social media channels.

Not only does this build a positive reputation for your brand, but it’s also an effective marketing tool for acquiring new leads.

How to Adopt a Customer Service Mindset1. Lead by example.If you want to adopt a customer service mindset, it needs to be a part of your team’s culture. To do that, management has to set an example by leading the way for the rest of the team.

This means capitalizing on opportunities to provide outsized value to both customers and service reps. If reps see that management has their customer base as well as their own interests at heart, they’ll feel encouraged to take the same approach.

2. Adopt a team motto. A team motto can act as a mission statement for your customer service team. When picking your team’s motto, keep it simple and to the point. It should be focused on the customer and encourage reps to provide consistent, excellent service.

That way, your reps will understand the standard of service that you and your customers are expecting.

3. Incorporate customer service training.You can adjust your customer service training programs to include exercises that educate reps about your customer personas. You can contact us for the training. 

This will get them familiar with the people they’re interacting with and have a better understanding of their needs and goals. As a result, your team will know how to approach interactions in ways that yield a positive outcome.

4. Host weekly, monthly, or quarterly contests.One way to keep service employees engaged is with weekly or monthly contests. These can be centered around reps who take the most cases or have the highest customer satisfaction scores.

Or, you can host team contests to promote collaboration across your entire department. Whichever route you choose, pick an incentive to motivate your reps and create a competition that drives excellent service and productivity.

5. Collect and review customer feedback.When you’re a customer service rep, customer feedback is both a reward and a reminder. While it feels great when you receive positive feedback, you’re reminded about consistency whenever you get a negative review.

This is why it’s important to collect feedback and review it with your reps. They should have access to what customers are saying about them and you should talk about interactions where customer satisfaction fell short.

This help reduce burnout for experienced reps by giving them more skills to master during their day-to-day workflow.

Good customer service empowers employees

A happy customer experience relies on a happy customer team. And a key factor in this is empowerment.

Once you decide to prioritize customer experience, it can be tempting to keep a hawks’ eye on people, or push a call script down their throats. That’s a fast route to an unhappy team.

Customer support agents are in their jobs for a reason. They enjoy figuring out solutions to problems. It’s what they’re passionate about. It’s why we hired them.

If you want your customer service team to thrive, let them get on with their job. Trust them to do it well. Give them the autonomy to work independently, think creatively, and problem-solve without someone breathing down their neck.

When someone brings the brand’s customer mission to life, celebrate it. Share positive feedback. Consult staff on their views, and give them the freedom to spearhead change by letting them conduct research, analyze data and suggest new methods. When staff feel empowered, they will rise to the occasion.

However, technology can also help support customer support.

Automation is useful when it helps free up resources to let reps focus on what they do best.

A chatbot can’t match a human being, but it’s better than no response or long wait times — especially considering 75% of online customers expect a response within five minutes or less.

Implementing a bot can reduce friction by answering commonly-asked questions and, when necessary, re-routing requests to a rep.

Other technology that supports includes a well-stocked knowledge base that helps customers find answers quickly.

Videos, how-tos, and blog posts can be the most effective way of explaining something (e.g. how to use a tool), with a significant return on time invested.Brilliant customer service relies on empathy, intuition, and the right words uttered at the right second.

There’s no playbook for that. Problems are part of life, and the products we provide. We can’t avoid them. But it’s how we address them that will distinguish us.

And that’s where human input remains unbeatable: It’s what will make customers hang in, work through an issue with us, and return — even if it’s just for a bowl of pasta.

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Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless

Proving that loyal customers are better than satisfied ones, we will be showing you how to get customer loyalty through a fresh approach to customer service and how to turn customers into salespeople.

No matter the size of the business, customer loyalty is incredibly important. Repeat customers spend up to 67 percent more than new customers.

Plus, it’s up to ten times more expensive to try to attract new customers than it is to keep the ones already doing business with you.

If you’re looking for real ways to create and keep up customer loyalty, consider implementing a few of these strategies.

1. Set up ways to communicate with your customers

Frequent communication with your customers keeps you fresh in their minds and lets you pass along important information. Take the time to set up a database with contact information such as email addresses, mailing addresses, or phone numbers.

Then you can send friendly reminders, birthday greetings, or a monthly newsletter. Social media is another great way to communicate with your customers on an almost daily basis.

Keep in mind that this works better if you limit how many of your communications are actually advertisements. Don’t forget to throw in messages that are either fun reminders or useful information.

2. Provide extra perks for your most loyal customers

One of the best—and perhaps one of the cheapest—ways to reward customer loyalty is to give extra perks to your most dependable customers.

Whether it’s the ability to skip the line, special meet-and-greets, or immediate seating, customers love getting a little something extra.

By setting up a reward system for the most loyal, you not only encourage them to stick around, you also give an incentive for other customers to strive to reach that status.

3. Consider different payment plans

There are some businesses out there that are very seasonal and run into cash flow issues during certain times of the year.

For instance, a wedding shop usually receives most of their sales during the summer months when weddings are in full swing, but during the winter they struggle.

One shop decided to offer a payment plan through which customers could start shopping in the winter, and pay a little throughout the months leading up to the wedding, rather than paying all at once.

This plan worked because it helped customers by giving them manageable monthly payments, and it helped the company by bringing in cash during an otherwise slow time of year. In fact, customers were so happy that they often referred the shop to others, and the business saw a nearly 400 percent increase in total sales.

4. Provide great customer service

While this seems like a given, it’s one tip that bears repeating because it’s so important. Customers remember when they’re treated well, and they remember when they’re treated poorly. In either case, they usually tell their friends and family, and that can either mean more business for you or lost business opportunities.

5. Don’t rely too much on technology

Even in our technologically advanced society filled with text messages and emails, we still want the ability to interact with other human beings.

Everyone can relate to the frustration of feeling stuck in an endless loop of automated prompts until we bang on the phone keys in hopes of reaching a real human.

This is why it’s important to keep in mind that while automated phone systems may save money, highly trained customer service representatives build loyalty.

6. Don’t forget to smile

This is another item that seems obvious, but it’s important enough to keep being reminded of. While it seems like a small detail, a friendly greeting obviously has important consequences.If this piece was helpful please share. 

Good customer service turns customers into fans

Marketing opportunities: Heartfelt customer service is your marketing trump card. No matter how many times you espouse the benefits of your product or service is, nothing compared to the first-hand experience of a real person talking about it in their own words. It’s authentic, and authenticity sells.

 It’s true not all online reviews are real, and negative reviews can be damaging. But when a customer has had a truly amazing experience and subsequently reviewed it, you will get more business and your revenues increase by as much as 5 to 9 percent. 

Do you also know that technology has created marketing opportunities for customer service teams?

 In the past, customer service meant picking up the phone to hear from your customers or serving them in person. Nowadays though, customer service happens both offline and online. Technological advancements, along with internet connectivity, have created an always-on customer service culture, increasing the number of interactions between customers and companies. Each and every one of these interactions represents a marketing opportunity. 

However, when a customer reaches out on social media regarding your business or service, that’s an opportunity. Go beyond simply providing an answer to their question and display your brand, personality, or ethics as a business.

Similarly, when you create a chat-bot greeting for your website or social channels, that’s an opportunity to convert visitors into leads.
Customer reviews are a more powerful form of marketing than self-promotion.

When it comes to buying decisions, your reputation matters. Customer reviews are key in establishing your reputation as a business. By focusing on creating a great customer experience, you improve your chances of generating positive customer reviews – whether that’s online or through word-of-mouth.

This form of marketing is controlled by your  customer service team and represents a much more trustworthy source to a prospect than what your company says about its own products and services.

Tip: Focus on creating customer-centric company culture that prioritizes the customer experience. One way of doing this is to involve your customers in your product road-map. You can let your customers vote and choose flavors you use in the case of snack production.  This simply means, putting customers at the center of an important business decision.

Issues that Lead to Customer Service Problems

If you don’t solve your customer service problems today, you could be missing out on a lot of business in the future. Today, we are taking a look at some company who’s website is not customer service friendly. We would like examine four customer service problems your website could be causing.

1. No Contact Information

This sounds somehow, but there are companies that forget to add contact information to their website. As a result, visitors have to search online to find an email address or phone number. This may help cut back on customer service inquiries, but it also angers your audience.

Rather than take this approach, make it simple for your visitors to find the contact information they need. From live chat to email to phone, you should always be available.

2. Inaccurate Information

A website that provides inaccurate information is one that can lead to a variety of customer service problems.

For example, if your website describes a product one way but it’s different when it arrives at the customer’s home, you are sure to have a customer service nightmare on your hands.

The best way to avoid this is to review your website in great detail, paying close attention to any information that may be inaccurate or misleading.

3. Conflicting Information

Does one page of your website say one thing while another contradicts it entirely?

With this, you can expect to hear from customers who are unsure of what is right and what is wrong.

As you review your website for inaccurate information, pay close attention to contradicting details as well.

4. Complicated Navigation

You want visitors to your website to be able to find exactly what they are looking for, all without the need to contact you via phone, email, or live chat. This is why clear navigation is a must.

Some people will be coming to your website to read your blog. Others will be looking to make a purchase. And of course, there are those who care about nothing more than reading as many pages as possible as to learn more about your company.

Complicated navigation doesn’t do anyone any good (in fact, it causes a lot of harm). If this is a problem on your website, you can expect to hear from people who are unable to find what they are looking for.


These are just a few of the many website issues that can lead to customer service problems. Since you want to avoid these problems at all costs, so that you can provide a high level of service, you may need to make some changes in the near future.

It goes without saying that no website is perfect. Even if most visitors enjoy your site, there will always be those who find something wrong. While you can’t please everyone, there are things you can do to reduce customer service problems and provide a better user experience.

Have you come across any website issues that were causing your company’s customer service problems? How did you deal with these? Share your personal approach in the comment section below.

Smart Growth: How to Avoid Biting Off More Than We Can Chew

Read below in other to understand the phrase ‘biting off more than we can chew’.

To bite off more than one can chew means to take on more than one can deal with, to attempt to do something that one is not capable of accomplishing. This phrase is also employed in the warning don’t bite off more than you can chew, meaning don’t take too much work or responsibility upon oneself.

As a consultant working on a project, it can be easy to fall into the trappings of a large or high-profile project. Getting caught up in helping a contractor move to the next level in his or her career path, while attaching your name to the project, can sometimes be a bigger pitfall than a benefit. The same is applicable to customer service.

These situations can escalate very quickly, compromising the professionalism and trust between customers and their agents, as well as the quality of the project.

Once a customer loses faith in a contractor, it becomes very hard to earn that respect and faith back. In speaking with contractors, most have no problem with good competition, which yields competitive pricing and increased value. However, problems arise when consultants or contractors bite off more than they can chew. The consequences can negatively impact more than your company, but also the industry and your competition.

Smart Growth Means Smart Planning

While some may say that taking on bigger projects is the only way to grow a company, that growth needs to be tempered with good planning. It’s important to take the steps to grow a business and move up in the size of projects that consultants are undertaking, but if there is an obvious struggle to complete simple residential garages and trouble finding qualified labor to do that, how are you going to handle a large casino project with very tight time constraints and high demand for once-and-done application?

Know Your Crew

Before you start considering larger jobs, really get to know the abilities of your crew. If you find that your crew gets overwhelmed with fast-paced projects, bringing them out to projects on tight timelines may not be the best option. It’s common to see contractors struggle to keep crews focused when projects are difficult. Often, they end up not being productive or leave jobs altogether.

Since the industry is closely knit, a lot of contractors bring friends and kids to projects. The key is making sure they know how to work. Including friends and family on a job just to fill a body count can be counterproductive. Well-oiled crews that work together and know each other’s next move are efficient and effective. Another solution to finding a great crew is to consider teaming up with a contractor who may be able to handle a large project. If it’s your lead, you will be learning the ins and outs of handling a large project, giving you valuable experience to take on those projects by yourself in the future.

Mistakes Happen…Plan for Them

Every contractor has had a situation where bids don’t quite work out, or the work needs to be redone. Always try to bid the project so you can make money, but also cover a few unforeseen costs. Knowing that these will come up, and more importantly planning for them, can take a lot of stress off of the consultant or contractor. Instead of writing them off as a loss, consider them as a corporate investment.

Engage with Your Crew

Making a crew feel invested in the project is important. If concerns exist about damage, take the time to show the crew how to service equipment and give them the responsibility of fixing any broken equipment as soon as it breaks. The more time and effort you invest in educating your staff about cleanliness, organization and mindfulness, the greater the chance they will follow your lead. Also, have a formal equipment sign-out and hold crews responsible for bringing the equipment back.

No matter the size of your company, check equipment out with your staff every day and give the tools a thorough once-over to ensure they’re available and in proper working order. Some easy items to add to your crew engagement checklist include:

Educate them on a pattern of compliance, or they will never know what you mean about keeping equipment running.
Provide them with access to reps and/or maintenance companies, which can help maintain or repair equipment to create a sense of greater ownership and better stewardship of the tools and resources at their disposal.
Take time to show them how to organize their tools and to keep them in proper places.
Manage the equipment with quick visual checks to make sure everything is in its place.

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Customer Service Skills: The face of your business relies on the tone

Millennial customers today are like an entirely new category in their own light. Where previous generations prefer more one-on-one connection and personal relationships, young people today lean towards self-help solutions and fast-paced interactions.

The 4 Most Important Customer Service Skills to Master

Your business’ millennial customers today will bring about the next generation of confident and well-researched purchasers. In terms of customer service skills, and in our own experience, here are the top few that agents need to truly master before that next generation comes.

1. Professionalism The face of your business relies on the tone, grammar and writing style across digital ways of communication, as well as the professionalism and conciseness of any phone interaction.

Some rules for professionalism in email or chat customer service: no abbreviations or lingo, check your information, and definitely never be pushy or leading.
Being understanding, friendly, informative and quick to respond to any customer service interaction is the best way to remain professional and help a customer resolve any issues with lightning speed. When in doubt, one of the best ways to promote better professionalism is to craft standardized decision trees and agent scripts that follow your company’s voice and brand perfectly.

2. EmpathyEvery customer wants their issue to be understood and cared for. Customer service agents need to put themselves in the customers’ shoes and broaden their perspectives (and vocabularies, in some cases) to understand where the issue came from and how it can be resolved.
Everyone involved in a customer service interaction is a person — showing compassion and empathy in genuine ways for the problems they are facing, or relating on a more positive note, shows that you care and builds loyalty with the customer.

3. AssertivenessWith professionalism and empathy comes a need to be assertive in customer service situations. Now, we don’t mean aggressive — we mean being completely clear, confident and direct with the information provided and support offered. Taking control of a customer service interaction in a calm and helpful way by asking appropriate, direct questions will help guide support agents to the right conclusion far easier and faster, and the customer is much more likely to feel that the agent they spoke with is the right person for the job.

4. ExpertiseResearch shows the phone to be the most frustrating way to engage customer service.
Without your customer service agents fully mastering the ins and outs of your business and product or service offering, they’ll never feel 100% comfortable and confident helping customers, and in return, customers will be more frustrated.

Customer-facing agents should always be trained experts on every relevant inner working, allowing them to be more empowered to answer questions accurately and directly.

Are You Making These Customer Acquisition Mistakes?

Common customer mistakes:

The journey to the land of top-notch customer acquisition processes is riddled with twists and turns. And while customer acquisition is challenging, converting new business is vital to keeping a company profitable. Without customers, a company will not survive.

The right customer acquisition strategy should set your customers up for long-term success with your product and or services. However, companies often make decisions against their better judgements and wind up on the wrong path. If executed correctly, customer acquisition will enable you to reach your revenue goals in the near- and long-term. Here are common mistakes that emerge at customer acquisition and tips to avoid them to get on the path to success.

Your Customers Needs Don’t Come First

Do your customers see success with your product or services? Are they happy with the level of service they receive? If you answered ‘no’ to one or both of these questions, now is the time to go back to the drawing board. The needs of your prospects and customers should be the number one priority in your customer acquisition playbooks.

You’ve likely heard the phrase, you only get one shot at a good first impression. We’ve all received bad service in a business setting at least once in our lifetime. How did that experience make you feel? Did you solicit that business again? Or worse, did you post a disparaging review on your page or share your experience with family, friends, and colleagues? An accumulation of bad customer experiences can ruin your company’s reputation.

Bad impressions range from not having inventory to keep up with demand or a negative customer service experience.

You can prioritize the needs of your customers by: Creating a buyer persona to understand prospects and customers needs Investing in strong customer service or customer success teams

Ensuring in-field sales reps have a grasp on customer needs

Implementing a strong customer on boarding or training program

Including a FAQ section on your website or social media handle

Collecting customer surveys and feedback

Not Creating Return Customers

We all know it’s more cost-effective to keep a current customer than it is to attain a new one. In fact, a 5% increase in customer retention rates has the potential to increase profits by 25-95%. Many companies set a goal to gain repeat customers but fail to implement a proper strategy. Don’t fall into this trap.

To transform new customers into loyal brand advocates you need to think beyond the first sale or interaction. What are strategies to encourage a return visit or purchase? A personalised ‘thank you’ note or welcome email can work for some businesses. Offering discounts to entice a repeat purchase is another common tactic.

You’ll need to give customers a reason to come back or purchase again.

Here are a few tips to engage customers and to lower churn rates:
1. Focus on customer education by implementing customer training programs

2. Engage customers through email and direct mail nurture channels

3. Offer loyal customers incentives and rewards