
CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCE – 5 Things Your Customers Deserve

Think about this: Amazon, Uber, Zoom, and Tesla Motors, what do these brands have in common? They were each, not the first to do what they do, but they did the consumers’ job better than their competitors. And, they consistently give their customers the best service experience they deserve.

They are all disruptors. Walmart disrupted local retail businesses when they came into a community. Uber disrupted the taxi-cab industry. Amazon disrupted the entire retail world, Zoom disrupted physical meetings and office space. And, Tesla disrupted the automobile industry.

So, are you starting in a career or business and it looks like there is nothing new to do? Like everything that could be done has already been done? There is yet a way to disrupt your market. Make an exceptional customer experience your brand identity. Customer service is often overlooked in companies, and, this could be a big opportunity to differentiate your business and attract and retain loyal customers.

For The Best Customer Service Experience, Do These:

  1. Know Your Customers – Who is your ideal customer? What does your customer need? How can you meet that need? Do your research and analyze your target audience. Beyond the service, you want to provide, know enough about them to become a part of their lives.
  2. Design a customer-centered service experience – Your customers are at the centre of all you do, not you. Alongside the product or service you are offering, deliberately put your customers at the centre of your activities by designing a customized service experience. Therefore, if you know them as explained above, this should not be difficult to do.
  3. Respond quickly to every customer inquiry or comment – Know when to read the script and when to use your humanity. Do not ever keep your customers waiting. Never!
  4. Stay in Touch – Adequate use of social media will give you top-of-the-mind awareness with your customers. Be conveniently accessible to your customers and stay in touch. Social media is an extension of brand marketing for you, therefore, use it sufficiently. Something as simple as a good CRM (Customer Relationship Management) program can help you keep track of your customers, what they have bought in the past and any issues they have had.
  5. Celebrate them – Give a human touch to your brand by interacting with your customers’ experiences and achievements. Celebrate their moments with them, and, thank them for patronizing you.

In conclusion, let them know that you are not just after their money, you sincerely want to make their lives easier. 93% of customers are liekly to make repeat purchases with companies who offer excellent customer service.

A confident lady

9 Tips on How to Be a Great Boss

A confident lady

Bosses are the most misunderstood persons on earth! Even when they mean well, their actions and inactions affect company morale and productivity more than anything else. Now, not everyone knows how to be a great boss. But we all have stories to share of enduring a bad one. Employees go to work and want to do a good job but it is the boss that sometimes gets in the way of them performing well.

Have you recently been promoted to manager and you are worried about how to get your job
done without any heartaches?

Here’s How to Win the Boss-of-the-Year Award

Boss of the year mug

1. Communicate clear vision: ensure that employees understand the why and what about the organization.
2. Connect vision to daily tasks: get the employees engaged with the company’s vision by breaking down the vision into their specific job description. This way, they’d align their daily tasks with the vision.
3. Set clear performance expectations but don’t micromanage: tell them what is expected in clear terms and leave them to get it done. Trust your employees’ ability to perform.
4. Give good feedback and develop your talent: let them know when they are doing a good job and when they are not meeting targets. Provide opportunities for career and personal development.
5. Find out what motivates your workers (make work fun)
6. Appreciate employee efforts: reward good performance. Offer praises generously in private and in public, this is a sure morale booster.

7. Stay connected and aware of updates
8. Care about the employee as a person: Show empathy, practice emotional intelligence. Employees are happy when they know that the manager cares for them on a personal level.
9. Value employee perspectives: remember that you’re all in it together, listen to their opinions and suggestions. Let them know that their perspectives matter.

Treat your employees how you want your customers to be treated. Be humane and allow yourself to enjoy being a manager. What kind of a boss are you?

Internal Communication

Why should I ask for feed back and suggestion?

Every manager needs the feed back and suggestion because it creates high performers consistently is a crucial activity for every customer service manager, it provides insights which can be used to improve your products, services or staff interaction and offers the best way to measure customer satisfaction. This way, you get credit for the results you generate.

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As we all know that every employee strives for professional growth and often this implies more than just money. The desire for challenging situations, bringing in substantial growth and going beyond personal capacities is what drives many employees to want to become high performers.

So as a manager, you can motivate fellow team members by holding them to higher standards, asking for more and lending them the support they need to get there. And as they start to meet these expectations with more efficiency and a renewed sense of purpose, ask them if they have the data, the tools, and support to carry out everything that’s expected out of them. And more importantly, ask them: “Do you get credit for the results you generate”?

Asking these questions frequently will help you generate a stream of ideas to continually improve your team’s and your customer’s experience. Act on the feedback and suggestions you receive to improve customer engagement and empower your employees to deliver exceptional service that will delight your customers. And finally, ask them if they are happy with what they get out of it.