
Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless

Proving that loyal customers are better than satisfied ones, we will be showing you how to get customer loyalty through a fresh approach to customer service and how to turn customers into salespeople.

No matter the size of the business, customer loyalty is incredibly important. Repeat customers spend up to 67 percent more than new customers.

Plus, it’s up to ten times more expensive to try to attract new customers than it is to keep the ones already doing business with you.

If you’re looking for real ways to create and keep up customer loyalty, consider implementing a few of these strategies.

1. Set up ways to communicate with your customers

Frequent communication with your customers keeps you fresh in their minds and lets you pass along important information. Take the time to set up a database with contact information such as email addresses, mailing addresses, or phone numbers.

Then you can send friendly reminders, birthday greetings, or a monthly newsletter. Social media is another great way to communicate with your customers on an almost daily basis.

Keep in mind that this works better if you limit how many of your communications are actually advertisements. Don’t forget to throw in messages that are either fun reminders or useful information.

2. Provide extra perks for your most loyal customers

One of the best—and perhaps one of the cheapest—ways to reward customer loyalty is to give extra perks to your most dependable customers.

Whether it’s the ability to skip the line, special meet-and-greets, or immediate seating, customers love getting a little something extra.

By setting up a reward system for the most loyal, you not only encourage them to stick around, you also give an incentive for other customers to strive to reach that status.

3. Consider different payment plans

There are some businesses out there that are very seasonal and run into cash flow issues during certain times of the year.

For instance, a wedding shop usually receives most of their sales during the summer months when weddings are in full swing, but during the winter they struggle.

One shop decided to offer a payment plan through which customers could start shopping in the winter, and pay a little throughout the months leading up to the wedding, rather than paying all at once.

This plan worked because it helped customers by giving them manageable monthly payments, and it helped the company by bringing in cash during an otherwise slow time of year. In fact, customers were so happy that they often referred the shop to others, and the business saw a nearly 400 percent increase in total sales.

4. Provide great customer service

While this seems like a given, it’s one tip that bears repeating because it’s so important. Customers remember when they’re treated well, and they remember when they’re treated poorly. In either case, they usually tell their friends and family, and that can either mean more business for you or lost business opportunities.

5. Don’t rely too much on technology

Even in our technologically advanced society filled with text messages and emails, we still want the ability to interact with other human beings.

Everyone can relate to the frustration of feeling stuck in an endless loop of automated prompts until we bang on the phone keys in hopes of reaching a real human.

This is why it’s important to keep in mind that while automated phone systems may save money, highly trained customer service representatives build loyalty.

6. Don’t forget to smile

This is another item that seems obvious, but it’s important enough to keep being reminded of. While it seems like a small detail, a friendly greeting obviously has important consequences.If this piece was helpful please share. 

Why should I have loyal customers instead of new customers

As a business owner your primary focus is to have a large customer base but it is also very important to have LOYAL customers. The importance of customer loyalty impacts almost every metric important to running a business. Without happy customers that continue to buy from you, the business won’t survive. 

Customer loyalty helps business to improve brand image. … As brand has already won trust of loyal customers, they are more likely to share positive experience than new customers. This eventually helps a brand to retain more customers and improve customer loyalty as well as brand loyalty.

See other reasons why you should have a loyal customer. 
1: Loyal customers buy more 
2: Loyal customers refer friends
3: Loyal customers provide feedback and ideas 4: Increasing customer retention helps boost profits simply because loyal customers already have trust in your brand and therefore are likely to spend more.

Attracting new customers may be rewarding, but it also often involves a lot of hard work and expense. … 70% of companies say it’s cheaper to retain a customer than acquire one, while others have suggested that the cost of acquiring a new customer can be as much as seven times more expensive.

Remember the best strategy a business can have is to create customers that creates more customers. Without happy customers that continue to buy from you, the business won’t survive.