
Good customer service turns customers into fans

Marketing opportunities: Heartfelt customer service is your marketing trump card. No matter how many times you espouse the benefits of your product or service is, nothing compared to the first-hand experience of a real person talking about it in their own words. It’s authentic, and authenticity sells.

 It’s true not all online reviews are real, and negative reviews can be damaging. But when a customer has had a truly amazing experience and subsequently reviewed it, you will get more business and your revenues increase by as much as 5 to 9 percent. 

Do you also know that technology has created marketing opportunities for customer service teams?

 In the past, customer service meant picking up the phone to hear from your customers or serving them in person. Nowadays though, customer service happens both offline and online. Technological advancements, along with internet connectivity, have created an always-on customer service culture, increasing the number of interactions between customers and companies. Each and every one of these interactions represents a marketing opportunity. 

However, when a customer reaches out on social media regarding your business or service, that’s an opportunity. Go beyond simply providing an answer to their question and display your brand, personality, or ethics as a business.

Similarly, when you create a chat-bot greeting for your website or social channels, that’s an opportunity to convert visitors into leads.
Customer reviews are a more powerful form of marketing than self-promotion.

When it comes to buying decisions, your reputation matters. Customer reviews are key in establishing your reputation as a business. By focusing on creating a great customer experience, you improve your chances of generating positive customer reviews – whether that’s online or through word-of-mouth.

This form of marketing is controlled by your  customer service team and represents a much more trustworthy source to a prospect than what your company says about its own products and services.

Tip: Focus on creating customer-centric company culture that prioritizes the customer experience. One way of doing this is to involve your customers in your product road-map. You can let your customers vote and choose flavors you use in the case of snack production.  This simply means, putting customers at the center of an important business decision.